These are the YouTube videos
I took On Sept 14 2007 from 3pm until 7pm on a Friday afternoon, in a city park by Madison High School.
Located right next to a skate
park. So many future soldiers were there to get Opt Out forms and information along with enjoying a burger and some hip-hop
music for Peace.
I am supporting the
groups PDXpeace and the MRR group (Military Resistance & Recovery) with my time energy and videos to help document
this outreach, which is to prevent the war from taking any more youth.
Opting Out can be done by
a simple few lines of information.
But must be submitted by Oct
1 to your high school the Youth attends.
To get Opt Out form click
here and print ..... then take to school.
This event
was a big ...with a free BBQ and drinks, along with music and a few short speeches. Represented by many groups it was a Hugh
success and seemed to be welcomed by the students and most the community.
include the following but my list may not include everyone
Please send
me info in regards to additions or corrections. Peace!
Beats For
Friends Service Committee
Resistance & Recovery (MRR)
PDX Recruiter
United Voices
Vets For
Peace ch. 72
and Joe Anybody
The bellow
is a Text with hyper-links to a Three Part Index
OPT OUT 2007
To the right
will be the embedded YouTube flash-players
Feel free
to use copy and modify any of my material
I offer this
up as a labor of love to help promote peace
Thank you
for all who made this happen.
The form is as simple as this one here, in fact this will work fine, just copy and use it:
Notice to my school office:
I do not want my personal information given to military recruiters. Please revise my registration information to show this.
Full name:_______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
All high-school age kids should copy this and fill it out.
Forms need to be done this month (September Only).
Turn the form in to the school office.
Your information will not be given to Military Recruiters if you do this.
Help tell others and especially those affected the most, the under 18 year olds
More info found on the pdxpeace site here:
Thanks - Working For Peace