Matt Meighan sang two songs at the at the end of the Martin Luther King Birthday Celebration Peace
March. The March was titled "Empowered By The Strength To Love"
This is "This Land Is Your Land" It was on Jan 21 2008 in Portland Oregon The music was filmed
in the First Unitarian Church This was Matt's second song and it was the very last part of the beautiful Peace March and
speeches for the day
This is a beautiful song by Matt Meighan that I recorded at
the end of the Martin Luther King Birthday Celebration Peace March.
March was titled "Empowered By The Strength To Love" It
was on Jan 21 2008 in Portland Oregon The music was filmed in the First Unitarian Church Matt sang two songs, this
was the first one.
This event was recorded at the Estacada Library on 2/8/08
Located in the Oregon Cascades. (sorry for the bad lighting) In this
film you will see Paul Benoit playing guitar and & Chris Chandler speaking-singing.
"SKEETER"Is the artist playing and is the title
of this video.
This is the "longer version" (12 min)
(# two of two films)
I filmed "Skeeter" playing on the sidewalk in downtown Portland Oregon
This was on a cold day in Jan 20 2008 I have never seen 2 guitars played at once before, and
Skeeter shows how it is done. I asked if him a political question or two at the end.
As I walked through the south
park blocks in Portland Oregon I run into this (sound) (person)I mention my video of him will be on my NON political
page, but he stated to me that he wanted to be on the "political page" in regards to he was "Promoting Peace".
I fealt Peace when I walked by him in the
park. He was energizing us all. I made color changes to this video out of respect and artistic expression and I was not intending
to be disrespectful to this beautiful person promoting peace with his music in the parkblocks.