DRONE Conference day
1 (85min)
Dr. Tad McGeer, founder of The
Insitu Group:
The History of Robotic Aircraft Development and Foreseeable Future Trends
Respondent to Dr. McGeer: Dr.
Marcy Darnovsky
Military use of robotic aircraft: A citizen’s primer:

DRONE Conference day 2 (58min)
21 Century Robotics: The Future is Now
Peter Lumsdaine
DRONE Conference day 2 (12 min)
Connecting, Enlightening, & Organizing
Creating an Effective Outreach &
Media Strategy for Complex Issues
Chuck Johnson
DRONE Conference day 2 (89 min)
Ethical Issues of Robotics
Organizing Challenges Joe Roos: Ethical Issues of Robotic
Technology: Organizing Challenges in the Faith Community and the Wider Society - then respondents to Mr. Roos: Pastor Meg Lumsdaine and Dr. Marcy Darnovsky
4 16, 17, 18 10
DRONE Conference (39 min)
Mike Hastie Photography Exhibit
DRONE Conference
link coming soon
DRONE Conference day 2 (48 min)
Connecting, Enlightening, & Organizing Discussion:
Cindy Sheehan & Chuck Johnson
DRONE Conference day 2 (45 min)
Cindy Sheehan, Evening Speech:
